Resilience Coaching
Is this you?
You say yes to everything and never have time to do it all - busy, busy, busy
You don't reach out for help
You find it hard to find time to do things for yourself, that make you feel good
You find your energy regularly dips and you struggle to focus
You don’t have enough time to find long-term solutions to problems and generally find quick, short-term solutions instead
You see blame when things go wrong
None of these are unusual, but if you relate to any of these then it is probably a sign that you would benefit from understanding and supporting resilience.
I'm accredited with the Resilience Dynamic® and licensed to use their methodology and tools. If you want to give specific focus to resilience, I create a safe and encouraging space to help you understand and explore resilience.
What is resilience?
Resilience, in its essence, is about being able to successfully adapt to change.
The more resilient you are, the bigger your reservoir of resources and energy will be, which will enable you to adapt comfortably to inevitable obstacles and setbacks. You can then learn to regularly top up your reservoir to have more than enough energy and resources to face change and obstacles with much more ease and less impact.
Research shows that increasing your or your team’s resilience will mean:
You will better manage stress and are less likely to be sick
You are less likely to feel defeated when faced with a challenge
You will feel more energised and be less likely to work overly long hours
You are less likely to leave your job
There is no silver bullet for resilience, what works for you might not work for someone else, but when we focus on resilience in your coaching or workshop, you can expect to:
Understand why resilience is important and what it means to you
Learn what drains and increases your energy
Understand what resources you already have
Have takeaways to support your resilience long after we work together
To get started, please book a free discovery call where we can talk about coaching options, pricing and agree how we want to take it forward.